Musings from the ever-changing, ever-amazing and occasionally ever-baffling Fort McMurray, Alberta.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My New Adventure with Huffington Post Alberta

Okay, it's pretty rare for me to publish two blog posts in one day, but today is an exception. I wanted to share with my readers here on McMurray Musings a new adventure in my life - blogging at Huffington Post Alberta.

When I heard Huffington Post was coming to Alberta I toyed with the idea of contacting them, but doubted they'd really be interested in hearing from me. Then I learned my friend Kathleen of Kikki Planet was writing for them, and when I expressed interest she encouraged me to go for it - and I did.

Anyhow, I am delighted that I am now blogging not only here but at Huffington Post Alberta as well. To say I am humbled and honoured by this opportunity would be a complete understatement, as I never thought for a second that my name would appear on a Huff Post website - and yet there it is.

So, I'm linking to this week's Huff Post blog from me, a post in which I go on a bit of a rant about yet another reason we need to twin Highway 63. Apparently I like this blogging thing so much that I just can't resist any opportunity to blog, so once a week I plan to publish a post with Huff Post while continuing to maintain this blog. And you know why it's easy? Because there is just so damn much to write about here in Fort Mac, people. If I had time (which I don't, so don't ask!) I could write another dozen blog posts every week about this community and still have material left.

So, here's me on Huff Post. Thanks for reading me here on this blog, and maybe consider reading me over there, too, eh? I am so pleased to be given any opportunity to write about Fort McMurray - not a boomtown, but my hometown.

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