Musings from the ever-changing, ever-amazing and occasionally ever-baffling Fort McMurray, Alberta.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Canada Rocks Festival Wants YOU!

Well, people, this is where it all gets real. I posted a few weeks ago about the exciting musical line-up for the Canada Rocks Festival happening over the Canada Day weekend. It's truly all very exciting, what with KISS coming to town and everything - but this is, as they say, where the rubber hits the road. These events don't happen by themselves, and to a huge extent they rely on volunteers to pull off successfully. And guess what? Events Wood Buffalo needs volunteers.

I could get all preachy about how we all need to fulfill our volunteer commitments to be a true part of the community and how communities rely on volunteers to function, blah, blah, blah. And honestly, that's all true, and I believe all of it. I believe something else, though. I believe that volunteering for events like the Canada Rocks Festival is fun.

Yes, I said the "f" word. How can working for free be fun? Because you get to meet some really great people, for starters. I don't think I really realized how many interesting, diverse, and truly amazing people there are in this city until I began to do some volunteer work. Some of those people who volunteer also happen to be some of the busiest people in this city, with "paid" jobs that leave them little time - and yet they find the time and energy to volunteer. These are the kind of people you want to get to know, and by volunteering together you get to meet them and build some common ground.

Volunteering is also fun because this entire event is going to be fun. It's going to be an exciting weekend to be in Fort Mac. Just imagine the excitement of random Gene Simmons sightings! To be at Mac Island, to be  volunteering at this event, even if not right at the KISS show, is going to be part of the excitement. The buzz is already beginning to build, and by June 30th it should be in total overload.

Yes, it'll probably be tiring. Yes, it might feel a bit like work. And yes, you might not see Gene Simmons (or even see KISS) by volunteering. You know what you will be, though? Satisfied. You will feel like you contributed to the success of a huge event, you will feel like part of the community, and you will feel like you made a difference. You will feel proud. Trust me, I know you will - because I've done it, and I've felt it, too.

So, if I've convinced you, go to Events Wood Buffalo volunteers. Even if I haven't convinced you yet, still go there and take a look. Maybe you'll see a volunteer opportunity that exactly matches your personal skill set. Maybe you'll see how much you are needed. This isn't just about Events Wood Buffalo needing you, people - it's about Fort Mac needing you to help us all pull off a game-changing, and, really a city-changing, event. It's about showing the country that Wood Buffalo rocks - and not just with KISS, but with the power and commitment of our community. See, I'm proud of you already! Make yourselves proud, too.

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