Musings from the ever-changing, ever-amazing and occasionally ever-baffling Fort McMurray, Alberta.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Intrepid Junior Blogger, In Her Own Verse

I don't normally do this, turn the blog over to someone else. But today the Intrepid Junior Blogger asked me to print something for her, and when I did I was astonished by it. It is for one of her classes, and it is one of the reasons I know one day she will be a far better writer than I could ever hope to be - and I think she is already on the verge of eclipsing me. This is her poem, her own words, and her turn on my blog. Frankly I think she is the one who should be published. I may hire her as my editor.

I am a…

I’m the glass floor in the CN Tower
I’m a restaurant on the port of Vancouver
I’m a lake shadowed by the mountains of Banff
I’m a ferry ride to Victoria Island

I’m the desk attendant at a small-town airport
I’m whipped cream licked off at a cafĂ©
I’m a vegetable garden with fresh-grown peas
I’m the sweetest dog in Red Lake

I’m a roller coaster at Galaxy land
I’m the Jumbotron in the Calgary Saddledome
I’m the sled hill behind Beacon Hill School
I’m long car trips to Edmonton through the prairies

I’m a lost emerald earring
I’m a weekend spent gaming
I’m the fresh powder on a ski hill
I’m a well-used piano

I’m a bubble bath at the Savoy
I’m a glass of coke atop the London Eye
I’m a bridge across the Thames
I’m the Rosetta Stone at the British Museum

I’m a stone tower looming over a field of sheep
I’m a dog named Rory at a homely hotel in Cashel
I’m a band playing at a pub in Dublin
I’m New Years Eve at Ashford Castle with Oscar the Grouch

I’m a truck filled with boxes of belongings
I’m a fluffy bed piled with blankets
I’m a smudged and well-loved IPhone
I’m a dance when nobody’s watching
I’m a long-practiced scene before a crowd

I am all of this,
And much, much, more,
I am the Intrepid Junior Blogger.

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