Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bold, Brave, and Sparkly - Frost by Mucharata

All photos credit to Frost

I do love a good invitation, you know. And so I was delighted when my beautiful friend Mucharata invited me to the launch of her new adventure with the company she has been running for some time now, Frost.

Mucharata is pretty much a hero in my books. When I am approached by external media looking to interview someone here who has an amazing story I inevitably send them her way, because she is a pure example of what passion, vision, and drive can become if you employ them to take the opportunities that come your way. She is one of those who came to Fort McMurray from far away, and she has not only found a life here but founded an amazing business, one that is her passion - Frost Jewelry.

It was a pleasure to be at the beautifully decorated event at the Quality Inn, and I could see Mucharata in every touch of the décor, dazzling and sparkling, just like her personality. And the catwalk show of jewelry was exactly what I expected it to be, a showcase of lovely models wearing bold and beautiful jewelry designs, fit for the high fashion runways in other countries and the glossy high-end magazines.

And that is perhaps exactly it. Just as Mucharata is bold and innovative, so is her jewelry line. It is not for the faint of heart or timid, and whenever I wear a Frost piece people know it is from her as they make a fundamental statement. These pieces are eminently wearable, but they declare the person beneath them has a love of fine fashion, and an appreciation for the unusual.

I have long thought that her pieces belonged to be on the fashion circuit in Paris or Milan, because they are so very bold and creative, mixing up the soft and feminine with the hard edge of haute-couture. They are the kind of pieces that stop others and make them ask where you got it (as often happens when I wear one of her designs), and they are the kind that attract attention.

Frost has some understated pieces too, ones that are a little less bold and glittery, but it is the "in your face" ones that I adore, the ones that grab you and won't let you go. These are the pieces that I find myself running my hands over, and working outfits around. A simple black dress, a simple pair of heels, and  knock 'em dead piece by Frost is a motto one could easily live by.

But as beautiful as the pieces from Frost are the true beauty lies in the company founder, a woman who pours herself into everything she does. She is genuinely kind and compassionate, and she is genuinely a jewel herself, of the very rare kind who gives of herself and who believes in the power of passion, vision, and drive - and achieving your dreams.

I have written about Frost more than once, and so it was a true delight to be there to see Mucharata reveal the next generation of her jewelry line, and a new website to make ordering her pieces simpler for all of us. I think often about how fortunate we are here, and one of the things that make us so lucky is having entrepreneurs like Mucharata in our community, because not only do they provide a product but they provide inspiration for others to follow their dreams and their hearts in achieving their goals.

If you are looking for jewelry pieces that are bold and beautiful - and if you wish to support a local businesswoman that we should all find pride in - then you must check out Frost and be ready to be dazzled - because at Frost the beauty is all around you, right from the founder down to the most tender and fragile jewel.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Theresa Wells for this wonderful article, And thank you for believing in me :)
