Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Want to Win Big and Make a Community Event Even Better? Take the winterPLAY 2013 Survey!

What do you remember from winterPLAY? I know, it feels like spring out there, and you are likely thinking "uh, that was awhile ago" - but it seems our memories fade as quickly as the snow melts, and the reality is that it is just a few weeks ago that we were out on the frozen Snye celebrating winter in our region.

One of the ways organizations in our community continue to bring us the events we want and need is by finding out what we have enjoyed about the events we have already experienced. And that is the reason Events Wood Buffalo have launched an online survey - because they want to make winterPLAY even better(although I think it was pretty stellar this year).

For me I will always recall watching the fireworks with the Intrepid Junior Blogger from inside our car as we decided it was too cold to wait outdoors, but we couldn't stand the thought of missing them because we knew they would be spectacular. It was the performance by Shayne Koyczan, an evening that brought tears to my eyes - and inspired me to submit a piece of very personal poetry to NorthWord Magazine to see if they would like to publish it (and they are, in the next issue). It was Phil Meagher's epic ski quest from Fort Chipewyan to Fort McMurray, one that I now understand far better having flown up to Fort Chip and seen the terrain he had to cover. It was, for me, the press conference announcing the events at winterPLAY, and the excitement it generated. It was so many different moments - and it is quite likely that your memorable moments, and the things you enjoyed most, differ from mine. And that's where this survey comes in.

It won't take you long to complete it, and the questions are pretty easy to answer. By doing this survey you are helping an amazing group of people (and I know this first hand as I have worked very closely with the staff at Events Wood Buffalo) make an already incredible celebration of winter even better. You are holding up a mirror for them so they can reflect on what worked and what didn't, what could be improved and what should stay the same, and how they can make winterPLAY the kind of event that you talk about even in July when the snow is long gone and our most prominent thoughts have turned to barbecues and swims in the local lake.

So, did you attend winterPLAY this year? Then take the survey. Heck, you can do it even if you didn't go to winterPLAY. You can tell the good folks at Events Wood Buffalo why you didn't attend, and what would encourage you to attend next year. And I've saved the very best part for last! If you do the survey you can enter to win the draw prize, which is two VIP tickets to all Events Wood Buffalo events in 2013 (and I suspect they have some incredible things planned, so this is quite the lure to complete that survey). The prize is worth $1000, which seems a pretty fair exchange for a few moments of your time. And even if you don't win the prize you have actually contributed to something of more value - which is creating a winterPLAY that is bigger, better, and more community-focused and community-driven than ever. That, I think, is the real prize. Oh, and a couple of the questions *might* ask about a certain blog, so make sure you tell them I sent you, eh? ;D Just kidding, people - provide your honest answers and remember - events like winterPLAY are, in the end, all about you. This is your chance to contribute to it - so don't miss this opportunity to make sure winterPLAY is the event you want it to be.

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