Monday, July 18, 2011

Read This Blog!

One of the things I've noticed as a blogger is that bloggers tend to read other blogs. I've met people who have never even seen a blog, but once you start blogging you discover an entire little world of blogs, and the people who write them. Some are funny, some are serious, and some are just plain interesting. What I discovered when I began to write this blog is that there are a few other bloggers in Fort Mac, and I'd like to introduce them to you. These are all blogs that relate to Fort McMurray and are totally worth following in my opinion, so if you read my blog I do sincerely hope you will consider giving these a read, too. When I entered the Fort Mac blogosphere I worried a bit that I may encounter some territoriality - a little bit of "turf protection", as writers can be funny sorts - but instead found a supportive community of bloggers. The first follower and supporter of my blog was, in fact, a fellow blogger, and for that fact alone he heads this list of blogs I read. Here we go, people!

First up we have a blog by Russell Thomas, Fort Mac resident and city councillor. Russell also holds down a day job as Director of Communications and Marketing at Keyano College, and has a family to boot. What this boils down to is that Russell is a busy guy who writes a really cool blog about his family, fishing, city events, and other stuff he finds interesting. You can find his blog at Middle Age Bulge. It's an active blog, updated frequently, and always a good read. Russell also happens to be an excellent writer (I admit some envy of his ease at painting pictures with words) so I highly recommend checking it out.

Second is another blog from a Fort Mac resident. This blog is written by a man named Darcy, who also happens to have a family here in the city. Darcy works in the oilsands, and what I love about his blog is that it is a lovely depiction of family life in Fort Mac. He also writes about birds, local events, and again whatever catches his interest. It makes for very interesting reading and I think depicts the city as a place where one can successfully raise a lovely little family. I enjoy his posts, and while they are often brief his use of beautiful photos gets his message across every time. You can find his blog at
Fort McMurray Adventures.

Third we have a blog from my favourite local "cook" and Top Chef Contender hopeful Ken Bowie. I love so many things about Ken's blog it's hard to pick which to mention first. I love food, and not just eating it but also looking at photos of it, so Ken's blog is great in this regard. He also talks about life as a chef, life in the kitchen of a busy restaurant, and a bit about his personal interests, too. It's a terrific blend of all that is good (rather like a great stew - sorry, couldn't resist that pun!) and is again worthy of regular visits. You can find Ken at A Cook's Life.

Speaking of food I must admit I am a total sweets junkie. When I lowered my carb intake a few years ago it was very difficult due to a love of baked goods. This next blog is one for which I eagerly anticipate every new post because it's a jaw-dropping, mouth-watering display of cupcake artistry. The blogger is again a Fort Mac local, and one who has an incredible talent when it comes to cupcake decoration. I am hoping to one day place an order for these cupcakes just to marvel at the sheer beauty (although I fear I may stab people with a fork if they attempt to eat these dainty little edible works of art). You can find this drool-inducing blog at CupCations, and if it doesn't make you want a cupcake then I don't think you are quite human.

This next one is a blog I've only begun following recently. When I first found it the blog seemed a bit inactive but the blogger, Matt, has begun updating it more frequently which is delightful since I really happen to enjoy his style. He too blogs about life in Fort Mac, bringing another perspective to the blogging community in this city. You can find Matt at My Oilsands.

This final blog is from someone who doesn't currently reside in Fort Mac, but has lived here in the past and who continues to visit, write and care about the city. I had the opportunity to sit down for coffee with this blogger a couple of months ago and was delighted to meet an intelligent, thought-provoking, and interesting young woman. She blogs about a lot more than Fort Mac, and her blog ranges from whimsical personal stuff to very intellectually challenging ideas. I love her posts, and always know that it will be a good read. I highly recommend it as she also has a slightly different perspective on Fort Mac than myself (and most of the bloggers listed above) so it adds yet another viewpoint to the Fort Mac blogosphere. You can find her at

So, people, these are blogs I follow and read faithfully. I'm kind of pleased that some of these bloggers also happen to read my blog on occasion. I know that I enjoy reading "good blog" and the fact that they think enough of what I write to actually read my blog makes me feel pretty great. My blog can be pretty quirky and I'm just as likely to write about truck testicles as I am about local politicians, and I sincerely appreciate that those who follow my blog seem to enjoy it's eclectic nature. The YMMPodcast guys recently described my blog as containing "random insights" which I think describes it (and me!) pretty well.

 I hope you enjoy these blog suggestions. What I love about Fort Mac is the diversity of people who have an interest in it, and these blogs are a terrific way to explore the different perspectives we all bring to the city. Happy reading!


  1. Thanks for this terrific synopsis of #YMM bloggers!

  2. MyMcmurrayM - you're a dear. I enjoy your blog too - makes me happy each time I see you've made a new post b/c you've got a nice eclectic mix (counterfeit handbags! I love a handbag but not so much a counterfeit any more)
